What Do Our Friday Night Gatherings Look Like?
Our Friday nights are designed to minister to Single Adults. Our evenings run from 6:00pm to 11:59pm.
Come as early as you want for our fellowship dinner and stay as long as you like.
Our evenings are designed around 3 components. First, we offer a terrific contemporary worship experience; Second, relevant expository biblical teaching; and Finally, safe and friendly fellowship.
Our Worship experience (7:30pm to 8:15pm) is led by rotating Bands (see Worship menu). Each band is modern contemporary in their musical expression and their worship experience is designed to enable people to enter into great worship after a long week!
Our Teaching Component (8:30pm to 9:30pm), consists of up to four 1 hour break-out classes that offer various teaching subject matters designed to enrich the Single Adult and their Walk with God.
Our Fellowship Component, consists of dinner and fellowship BEFORE our worship experience (6:00pm to 7:15pm) and a Fellowship time AFTER our Break out classes (9:30pm to whenever). This Fellowship time is marked by desserts, dance lessons or just plain hanging out, talking to friends.
If you sign up for our Newsletter, you will be sent an email every Wednesday morning outlining what is happening on the following Friday Night!
We look forward to having you be apart of the O.C. Singles for Christ Family!